“4Coinz” Enters the crypto news market space.

Bringing easy to digest news of the fast moving crypto markets!
Founded in 2024
4Coinz domain name was actually registered in 2021. However I sat on the domain, and would always watch certain YouTubers and read various websites for my crypto news. I wanted a centralized place where I could aggregate the best of those I followed, as well as interesting and breaking news regarding crypto.
Welcome to 4Coinz
Why the name 4Coinz (with a z)? Well since I’ve been following cypto, it seemed that there were always 4 coins that would dominated the news cycles. Predominently, Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Cardano. Of course these would swap with the likes of Celcius, Solana, FTT, and so on.
Crypto News Changes Fast!
The news cycle tends to be as volatile as the coins we trade! Keep up to date with 4Coinz!
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